
We can be contacted on 0477 44 22 44 during our business hours. Otherwise send us an enquiry below. We will respond during business hours.

You can also use this LINK to book online xo

Opening hours are by appointment only

Even Pop In Visits (eg, to buy products/vouchers or to speak to a beauty therapist) require an appointment. Simply head to our booking platform and select the Pop In Visit that best suits your needs!

Monday - Closed

Tuesday - 9am to 5:30pm BY APPOINTMENT

Wednesday - 11:30am to 8pm BY APPOINTMENT

Thursday - 9am to 5:30pm BY APPOINTMENT

Friday - 9am to 5:30pm BY APPOINTMENT

Saturday - 9am to 3:30pm BY APPOINTMENT

Sunday - Closed


From Dawson Highway turn at the lighted intersection onto Aerodrome Road and drive towards the Gladstone Airport. Continue past the Airport entrance along Aerodrome Road and turn left on to J Hickey Avenue. The destination, 4B / 281 J Hickey Avenue is on your right at The Airport Shopping Centre.